• A.N. Samoylov Southern Federal University
  • Y. M. Borodyansky Federal State Budget-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Keywords: Photogrammetry, cloud computing, service, pipe industry, forest industry, mobile technologies


With the development of the capabilities of mobile devices and the increase in the availability
of wireless communication, the possibilities of building industrial automation systems have
significantly expanded. The quality of digital photography obtained with a smartphone camera
makes it possible to build mobile systems based on computer vision: for example, photogrammetry
systems. There are several factors to consider. The first factor is that the tasks of processing digital
photography for industrial purposes remain resource-intensive and cannot be fully implemented
only on the basis of a mobile device. Therefore, it is required to transfer the execution environment
for resource-intensive tasks to third-party computing power available on demand. The second
factor is the stability and bandwidth of the communication channel - mobile devices are usually
needed in remote locations where the deployment of desktop computers is not possible. Therefore,
using a smartphone only as a camera is not always justified, since the transfer of an unprocessed
image may take a long time or even be impossible. The third factor hindering the widespread
use of mobile devices in solving photogrammetric problems is the variability and constant
emergence of new methods of image processing and analysis. It is necessary to centrally create
and replenish libraries of such modules. Thus, the creation of mobile photogrammetric measuringsystems requires combining the computing power of cloud services and the mobility of smartphones. The article proposes a method for constructing photogrammetric measuring systems
based on mobile cloud computing, which provides a dynamic balance of the computational load on
the nodes of the system, as well as the variability of functionality on mobile devices of users


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