With the adoption of Federal Law No. 187 "On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure",
the implementation of which in practice is not possible without a comprehensive assessment
of information security (IS) of subjects of critical information infrastructure (SСII).However, the currently existing regulatory documents of regulators do not consider SСII from the
point of view of a systematic approach, the infrastructural component of SСII is not taken into
account when building an information protection system. At the same time, the assessment of IS
SСII without taking into account the effect on the state and behavior of the system of inter-object
and intersubject connections arising in the system leads to an error in the assessment, since the
system itself, under certain conditions, can generate infrastructural destructivism. Thus, the error
in assessing the ISSII arises due to the failure to take into account the indicator of the SСII's inability
to implement its functionality in full under the influence of infrastructure risks, i.e. infrastructural
destructivism. From the point of view of the theory of sustainability, this indicator can
be correlated with the category of “infrastructure sustainability of SСII”. The proposed by the
authors of the study, the model for assessing the infrastructure sustainability (IS) of SСII is presented
1) using the apparatus of cognitive modeling, 2) using the apparatus of the theory of reliability
of technical systems. Within the framework of cognitive modeling, the power of concepts is
set by experts. In the presented study, for this assessment, it is proposed to use the apparatus of
logical-probabilistic modeling, through a clear structuring of the system - SСII. Thus, the assessment
of the infrastructure stability of the SCII is characterized by the possibility of assessing the
probability of no-failure operation of the facilities of the CII and preventing failures in the functioning
of the CII spheres, which guarantees stability and the required level of information security.
In this case, the problem of assessing IS in this case acquires a key character in the comprehensive
assessment of IS SСII.
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