• A.R. Gaiduk Southern Federal University
  • A.N. Karkischenko Southern Federal University
  • V.K. Pshikhopov Scientific research institute of the Robotics and control processes
Keywords: Weapons and military technics (WMT), military operation, combat units, joint action, incompatible action, set, system, systemic effect, systemic coefficient


The evaluation problem of the influence of the way WMT application on their efficiency is considered. With this purpose, the efficiency of individual application WMT is compared with efficiency of WMT, when they are used in structure of the robotic complexes for military purpose. Known earlier mathematical models of a fight of several combat units of two contradictory sides are used for the solution of the problem. It has been established that with the joint actions of sev-eral combat units, a systemic (synergistic) effect arises. It lies in the fact that the realized military potential of an aggregate of several WMT, when it used together, is higher than with the unsuita-ble use of the same WMT. This effect is caused by that that with not joint actions set WMT mani-fests itself as multitude, and at joint actions, the same set WMT manifests itself as some dynamic system, therefore efficiency of their actions above. This efficiency increase of the WMT actions is the consequence of the organization of their actions as dynamic system and is called as systemic effect. For numerical evaluation of this systemic effect, analytical decisions of the «dynamics of average» equations, received earlier by the Russian and foreign military experts, have been found. These solutions received at some assumptions concerning the conditions of the military operations, give possibility to find the numerical values of the systemic coefficient under chosen assumptions. It is shown that the systemic coefficient changes during the process of the military operation and reaches a maximum value at the end of this operation. Researches were spent on the example of two kinds of the military operations. The received results are close enough to each other, despite of essential distinction of the researched operations. Practically, the systemic effect causes in-crease of the WMT military potential, i.e. increase of the WMT application efficiency at their shar-ing. It is represented expedient to take into account the phenomenon of systematicity in the study and planning of military operations.


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