• А. А. Levchenko Voronezh State University
  • V. V. Taratukhine Higher Education "National Research University Higher School of Economics"
  • Y.A. Kravchenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Information system, cloud technologies, SaaS, project documentation, typical models of enterprise processes, fuzzy sets


The article is devoted to solving the problem of creating a decision-making method in the formation
of typical enterprise processes in information systems based on cloud technologies, also
known as systems operating on the SaaS model (Software as a Service). The study's relevance is due
to the novelty of cloud computing technology and the impossibility of applying the methods developed
for on-Premise class systems. The study aims to improve the efficiency of using typical enterprise
models in the implementation and use of SaaS systems. Increased efficiency affects the time and
budget of the SaaS implementation project and operational costs after implementation. Achievement
of the research goal is achieved by performing the following tasks: an analytical review of the research
area for available methods, formalization and canonical formulation of the research task,
description of the elements of project documentation as a single system of elements, and determination
of relationships between them, development of a method for making decisions on the formation
of models of typical processes, as structural elements of the system, verification of the method by
determining the criterion for the effectiveness of the method and its comparison with the data of previous
approaches. The research task is formalized as a canonical optimization problem with an objective
function to maximize the efficiency criterion. The criterion of efficiency is given in the form of
a formula that describes the degree of coverage of functional requirements to the target processes of
the enterprise by standard models. The article describes the methods and algorithms used to solve
similar problems, as well as their disadvantages and limitations. The proposed method is based for
the first time on the theory of fuzzy sets and uses the Mamdani fuzzy inference algorithm to link a set
of functional requirements and a set of system implementations. On the basis of the method, a software
application was developed, and a computational experiment was carried out. The sample for
testing the method and its comparison with existing analogs was formed on the basis of functional
requirements for organizational processes of procurement management of large enterprises and the
implementation of these requirements in SaaS systems on the SAP platform. The growth of the value
of the efficiency criterion was confirmed in the case of the application of the proposed method, which
demonstrates its advantage over the available alternative solutions already at the second iteration of
use. As an example, a description of a typical process for creating a purchase requisition before and
after applying the proposed method is presented.


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