• S. I. Klevtsov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Model, intelligent sensor, transformation characteristic, error, approximation


The paper discusses the issues of choosing the type and parameters of the model of the transformation
characteristic of an intelligent sensor of physical quantities using the example of a pressure
sensor. The transformation characteristic of an intelligent sensor is a mathematical, algorithmic
and software for calculating a physical quantity based on electrical signals that come from the measuring
channels of the sensor. The model of the conversion characteristic should be adapted to the
configuration of the conversion function of the sensor's sensitive element and the behavior of this
function under the influence of external destabilizing factors. The paper considers various models of
the conversion characteristics, identifies the features of their application, advantages and disadvantages,
attainable levels of approximation error of the real characteristic, which affect the final
measurement accuracy of the smart sensor. Smart sensors are used for measuring physical quantities
in various technical systems and the requirements for measurement accuracy in real-life tasks are
different. The measurement accuracy is largely determined by the degree of approximation of the real
characteristics of the sensor by its mathematical model. The more complex the model, the more difficult
it is to implement in the sensor, and the higher the measurement cost. Therefore, it is important
to control the conversion characteristic approximation error in order to use the sensor efficiently. To
control the approximation error of the transformation characteristic of an intelligent pressure sensor,
it is proposed to use the method of multi-segment spatial approximation, and use models of linear or
nonlinear spatial elements as segments. The basic mathematical expressions, the error control
scheme are determined. The results of modeling are presented, which show the possibility and advantages
of using the method for the formation of spatial models of the transformation characteristics,
which are adaptive to changes in the real transformation function of the sensor, take into account
the influence of external factors on the measurement results. In addition, the method allows you
to modify the current spatial approximation model by changing the types of local spatial elements
and, thus, to control the measurement error


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