• L. A. Gladkov Southern Federal University
  • N. V. Gladkova Southern Federal University
Keywords: Multi-agent system, agent, resource agent, agency, evolutionary design, evolutionary operators, design methodology, hybrid methods


The article is devoted to the discussion of the problems of constructing evolving multi -
agent systems. Possible methodologies for designing multi-agent systems are considered. The
relevance of developing new principles for constructing multi -agent systems based on evolutionary
design methods is noted. The correspondences between the terms of the theory of
agents and the theory of evolution are highlighted. The prospects of using hybrid approaches
to the design of multi-agent systems are noted. The principles of construction and the poss ibility
of using fuzzy genetic algorithms in the design of multi -agent systems are considered.
It is suggested that the models and methods of the theory of evolutionary modeling can be
successfully applied in the design of multi-agent systems. An evolving multi-agent system is
proposed. The procedure for the formation of new agents in the process of evolution is described.
The set of parameters for assessing the state of each agent in the population has
been determined. The resource parameters are proposed to be used to assess the current state
of the agent and the possibilities of its interaction with other agents. The definitions of an
agency and a family, the minimum elements of an evolving multi -agent system are given. An
evolutionary strategy for constructing a model of an evolving multi -agent system is proposed.
The procedures for the execution of the original evolutionary operators for processing the
population of agents are described. Based on the proposed methodology, a software system
for supporting the evolutionary design of agents and multi-agent systems was developed. Atpresent, computational experiments are being carried out to study the proposed design model
for multi-agent systems, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of various operators and
schemes for the formation of descendant agents, the necessary conditions for survival.


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