• V. A. Litvinenko Southern Federal University
  • S.A. Khovanskov Southern Federal University
  • V. S. Khovanskovа Southern Federal University
Keywords: Distributed computing, multi-agent system, protection of computing results, reduction of solution time, multivariate modeling


We consider the issues of protection of distributed computing organized on the basis of a multiagent
system for solving problems of multivariate modeling. When modeling, choosing one of the many
options may require going through a huge set of parameters that are not available for a high-speed
computer. Distributed computing is used to reduce the time needed to solve such problems. There are
many different approaches for organizing distributed computing in a computer network: grid technology,
metacomputing (BOINC, PVM, and others). All of them are intended for creating centralized distributed
computing systems. Distributed computing is organized on the basis of a multi-agent system on
the computing nodes of any computer network. When using a large-scale computer network as a computing
environment, there may be security threats to distributed computing. One of these threats is getting
a false result from hackers during calculations. A false result may lead to making an inappropriate or
incorrect decision during the simulation process. Managing agents of a centralized distributed computing
system, in addition to managing a distributed system, are forced to detect false results of the calculation
process. A method has been developed for calculating the probability of detecting a false result
depending on the total number of agents in a multi-agent system and the number of control agents. Examples
of calculating the number of control agents that provide the required probability of detecting
false results in a multi-agent system are given.


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