Issues of situation awareness are key in many subject areas from the defense sector to agri-culture. The purpose of the study was to create a model that allows to simulate the processes for-mation of situation awareness information on the current status of a selected geographic area by a group of heterogeneous autonomous robots. They have technical capabilities and equipment for monitoring of any territory. They using in different environments and acting on the principles of self-organization,. It was assumed that the functioning of the robots can be objectively limited passive factors (fog, rain, snow, night, etc.) and the active influence of opposing forces leading to obstacles in solving tasks, including their the non-fulfillment. In developing the model was raised and addressed questions on the distribution of tasks in a group of robots, search and evaluation of potential threats, formation of the routes subject to the limitations terrain and possible resistance, interaction of robots with each other for obtain and provision of necessary information and team-work to the formation and use of situation awareness information in the study area of space. The situation awareness model is presented as an Internet cloud with a given content structure and in-cludes three main sections describing the current state of robots, the state of various fragments of the functioning area of robots, and information from external systems. All the robots of the group can access online this cloud for receiving and placing information about their own state, the state other robots in the group, observable events in a selected fragment of the environment using robots monitoring systems. The local rules of self-organization form in according to the principles of the Internet of Things by way of organizing information/managing robots systems sensors interaction. Robots can assist to each other also. Algorithms of the model are invariant to different subject areas. The model is easily transforming for various environments — terrestrial and air operations using autonomous robots, the functioning of robots in the water area, underwater, ice, etc.
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