• A.I. Kalyaev South Federal University
Keywords: Distributed systems, socioinspired approach, bioinspired approach, multi-agent system, decentralized system


This article describes new principles of organization, methods and algorithms for the functioning
of the Distributed System (DS) dispatcher, which allow allocating and reallocating resources
with dynamically changing parameters between incoming tasks in order to minimize their
execution time. The main problem that does not allow today to effectively estimate the execution
time of tasks in a heterogeneous DS directly follows from the distribution of the system: each of its
elements has partial independence and may differ significantly from others, moreover, in the process
of operation, its capabilities may change, and all this is essential. affects the efficiency of
distribution of tasks between DS nodes and the time it takes to complete tasks. The article proposes
a new approach to organizing a DS dispatcher, based on the application of the theory of multiagent
systems and socio-inspirational (based on accepted in human society) methods: DS users
place their tasks on special nodes – bulletin boards, a proactive software agent is placed on each
DS node, which implements constant monitoring of the parameters of your site and search on message
boards suitable for solving problems. At the same time, the agents participating in the solution
of the common task form communities in which they plan the process of solving the task and
the distribution of parts of the tasks to minimize the delay time for their solution. As a criterion for
the effectiveness of the DS, it was decided to take the value of the average delay in the execution of
functional tasks relative to the required points in time, respectively, the agents distribute tasks in
such a way as to minimize the value of the specified criterion. This article includes an introduction,
a formal statement of the task of scheduling DS resources, a review of existing approaches to
organizing a DS dispatcher, a description of the proposed multi-agent solution to the task of
scheduling DS resources using a socio-inspirational approach, an algorithm for the operation of a
distributed system and its elements, a description of the application of a socio-inspirational approach
in relation to the task scheduling process. and conclusion. The main advantages of the
proposed approach include: the ability to use reliable and up-to-date information about the specialization
and current performance of resources in dispatching; high fault tolerance due to the
absence of DS elements, failure of which leads to a complete loss of DS performance; the possibility
of flexible scaling of the DS (increasing the number of resources), achieved by decentralizing
the dispatching process.


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