The article considers the issues of fault-tolerant computing systems (CS) development in
terms of their structure and redundancy. It is necessary to take into account a great amount of
factors, which have an impact on performance, reliability and fault tolerance, during the distributed
CS development. For distributed CS such factors contain, among other things, structural characteristics.
The dependency graphs of processor nodes (PN)nonfailure operating probability of
distributed CS against system structural characteristics are presented in the article. The application
of advanced redundancy methods, such as performance redundancy, increases the complexity
of structure design problem. In the case of performance redundancy, instead of adding redundant
nodes to the system, it is proposed to use redundant computational resources among the involved
processor nodes. If a node fails, its tasks are reallocated to a free reserve of nodes, which are able
to work. To implement this method of system redundancy, the organization of a multi-program
operation mode is required, when some tasks can be performed simultaneously on each node.
Need for multi-program operation mode providing leads to increasing the number of system configurations, which have to be analyzed on the design stage and in the case of reconfigurations
when a failure takes place. To reduce the labour intensity of a configuration analysis an approach
based on graphs with multiple edges of different types is proposed. The use of models based on
such graphs makes it possible to represent the structure of CS taking into account a multi-program
operation mode and at the same time significantly reduce the computational time of basic characteristics
by means of applying relations in the form of a vector, which allows to integrate some
relations of different types.
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