• J.M. Bogdanov JSC "RPC "Istok" named after Shokin"
  • A. N. Zikiy Southern Federal University
  • A.I. Pustovalov AO «TNIIS»
Keywords: Microwave attenuator with digital control, frequency range, ultra-wideband, experiment, amplitude-frequency characteristic, control code


Attenuators are often used in radio receivers to expand the dynamic range of input signals,
as well as to control the output power of radio transmitters. Recently, attenuators are used in
transceiver modules of active antenna arrays. Attenuators differ in operating frequency range,
base of elements, control method, operating power. An urgent task is the creation and research of
new microcircuits of attenuators with digital control of domestic production. The purpose of this
work is an experimental research of the main parameters and characteristics of a digital attenuator
of the decimeter wave range. The object of the study is an attenuator of the M44752 type installed
on the test board. It is manufactured by JSC "SPE "Istok" named after A.I. Shokin". The
results of the experimental research are given in the operating frequency range from 0.1 to 2 GHz.
There are a switching circuit, a photo of a model and six amplitude-frequency characteristics for
different control codes. The following electrical parameters have been achieved: – operating frequency
range is from 0.1 to 2 GHz; – attenuation range is from 1 to 50 dB; – permissible inputpower is not more than 23 dBm; – the number of control bits is 6; – switching time is not more
than 50 ns;– VSWR of input and output is not more than 2. The obtained results of the study of the
M44752 module can be used in ultra-wideband transceiver communication equipment for various
purposes, navigation and radiolocation. The relevance of the research is confirmed by two current
trends – microminiaturization of electronic equipment and import substitution.


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