A number of digital signal processing applications use controlled IIR digital recursive filters.
The word " controlled " refers to filters whose structure ratios clearly depend on the cut rate or
boundary frequencies. Controlled IIR filters can be synthesized using a variety of tools to compute
traditional, uncontrolled IIR filters. The article dealt with the synthesis uncontrolled IIR filters and
analyzed the suitability of the presentation of the results of synthesis for the construction of controlled
IIR filters. The design techniques based on MATLAB (2021a) and the fundamental concepts of IIRButterworth
digital filters were described and explained. The composited signal was processed by the
analyzed filter to find whether it met the filtering progress criteria. To check the calculated filters, the
Simulink prototype was used, as well as FDA tool of signal processing toolbox. Based on the results
obtained, a conclusion was made about the applicability of the MAT LAB (2021a) system for the
synthesis of controlled digital recursive IIR-Butterworth filters. The analyzed technique was more
efficient, faster, decreased the tasks and found the results are satisfying.
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