• K.Z. Laptev Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Marine Technologies Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMTP FEB RAS)
  • A.V. Bagnitckii Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Marine Technologies Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMTP FEB RAS)
Keywords: AUV, subglacial sailing, ice-holes searching, mission planning, ice fathometer, Arctic


The development of the Arctic region is a task of national importance. In the last decade, the time has come for the Russian Arctic zone to implement large-scale projects that become priorities given the understanding of the special role of the Arctic for the Russian Federation. For effective activity in the Arctic seas, in conditions of continuous ice cover, in the near future, sometimes the only reliable means of solving a number of tasks will be autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) capable of being under ice cover for a long time. At the same time, solving the tasks of ensuring the AUV abilities to safely maneuver under the ice for a long time, to survey large underwater and ground spaces, to find ice-holes for the purpose of surfacing for communication and navigation sessions, becomes one of the important elements of the successful development of the Arctic. The aim of the research is to increase the safety of the AUV subglacial sailing through the use of con-trol algorithms that take into account the influence of the complex ice situation on the application of on-board equipment and the maneuvering of underwater vehicles. At the beginning of the article we briefly review the experience for the subglacial AUV operation, as well as the features of the Central Arctic Basin. A method is proposed for the specification of a given AUV mission based on the assessment of ice conditions along the navigation route using information received from external sources and on-board technical devices. The main factors are considered that have an effect on the decision-making algorithm for finding an ice-hole suitable for surfacing, or its inspection. Critical conditions have been defined, the implementation of which imposes certain requirements on the mission planned by the operator, as well as on the AUV control system. Algorithms for de-termining the coordinates and sizes of ice-hole using the AUV technical equipment (ice fathometer and Doppler lag) are proposed, and AUV maneuvering schemes (diverging spiral and “flower”) are shown to meet the set requirements in the absence or presence of complete information about an ice-hole coordinates.


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