• M. S. Anferova Moscow Aviation Institute
  • A. M. Belevtsev Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: Technological trends, monitoring, search robot, artificial intelligence, Big Data, algorithm, text recognition, clustering


This paper describes the problem of strategic analysis and the choice of directions for the development
of an innovative enterprise in the conditions of transition to the 6th technological order and
industry 4.0. In these conditions, search and analytical processing of information cannot be fully performed
without the use of automated information and analytical systems, including those based on artificial
intelligence. During the analysis, the main priority functions that the developed services should
provide were identified. The main difficulties in the development of these services are identified, such as:
pre-processing of data and automated checking of the relevance of databases. To effectively solve thetasks set, the intelligent monitoring and information retrieval service should use an integrated approach,
taking into account the effectiveness of applying methods for individual subtasks, and ensure high efficiency
of implementing all stages of the intelligent monitoring procedure. In this regard, this paper describes
not only the development of a general intelligent search algorithm, but also individual block
algorithms necessary to ensure the priority functions of the service being developed. The paper presents
the following algorithms: an information search algorithm necessary to solve the problem of full-text
search of documents within the database of information resources of the information and analytical
complex; an algorithm for the procedure for entering new documents; an algorithm for pre-processing
data that includes stemming and removing punctuation marks for subsequent text analysis; an algorithm
for evaluating the ranking and relevance of information, including vectorization of documents; an algorithm
for clustering information search results based on the Kohonen neural network; the algorithm for
checking the relevance of information is to check whether the local copy of the document corresponds to
the current version on the source's web resource. The Python programming language for the implementation
of the presented algorithm is proposed and justified. The system provides automated continuous
monitoring with a high frequency of sending a request without the participation of an operator, which
will increase the quality and efficiency of information search in conditions of a large volume of unstructured


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