• N.A. Rudianov 3 CNII MD RF
  • V.S. Khrushev 3 CNII MD RF
Keywords: Robotic complex, modular-modular design method, combat experience, functional approach to the creation of robots


The article analyzes the experience and promising areas of the development of combat and support robotic complexes of the Ground Forces. It has been shown that the robotization of ground-based military equipment and weapons follows the directions of creating unified kits (modules) of remote control equipment for installation on regular weapons models for the purpose of their unmanned use in the performance of combat, special and supporting tasks and develop-ment promising RTK on the original base for the implementation of combat, reconnaissance and support tasks using existing and newly created hardware and software modules. The aggregate-modular method of creating equipment is analyzed — designing and assembling robots and their means of control from standard assemblies, each of which is designed to perform predetermined functions. Examples are given of using the modular-modular method in the development of a mul-ti-functional heavy-duty tracked armored vehicle complex based on a special fire engine currently undergoing acceptance procedures. It is argued that the aggregate-modular principle of the con-struction of robotic complexes is the most rational at the present time and should be the basis for substantiating the tactical and technical characteristics of combat and support robots when gen-erating program documents. Based on the experience of combat operations, it is proposed in a number of cases to focus on the development of specialized robots oriented towards the accom-plishment of a specific task. This is caused by some restrictions on the introduction of new tech-nical solutions when focusing only on the modular principle of creating robots, exaggerated re-quirements for weapons and military equipment when solving a number of tasks, as well as the existence of a number of tasks important in terms of preventing personnel losses and large of the use of, lack of research on the development of weapons specifically for the RTC based on the ra-tional use of the advantages of the robot and the reduction of psycho-physiological limitations ivennyh man. The necessity of conducting studies on the justification of feasibility and the list of tasks on the functional approach to the design of robots is substantiated. Along with the development of multifunctional combat and support robots on the basis of aggregate and hardware-software mod-ules, it is necessary to consider the development of specialized robots oriented to perform one task, usually a combat one, and having an increased potential compared to universal robots its fulfillment. The examples of hypothetical combat robots, built on the functional principle. The conclusion is made about the need for the formulation of research works with the involvement of leading experts in the field of takiki, robotics, development of weapons and ammunition.


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