The walking machines and robots at the movement in difficult conditions can be more effec-tive in comparison with traditional wheeled and tracked vehicles. For this reason they find appli-cation for works in extreme conditions. Use of the walking robots is perspective at implementation of new soil-saving technologies in forestry and agriculture. The known robotic tractors have, as a rule, tracked or wheeled type of mover. Traction properties of such tractors are limited by adhe-sion. They can realize the maximum traction force, despite of their high power saturation, less than body weight (the adhesion coefficient even for good soil does not surpass 0.8-1). The walking machines have no this disadvantage. At the same time, the speed of movement of the walking trac-tors is limited because of high power costs for overcoming inertial forces in each cycle (step) of the movement. In work the possibility of partial mutual compensation of energy consumption on implementation of useful "traction work" with other components of costs of the movement is dis-cussed. Modeling of dynamics of the walking robot with cyclic movers at realization of traction efforts is carried out. The walking movers of this type differs by simplicity and reliability. Cyclic dependences of the main components of energy consumption (spent for overcoming cyclic inertial forces in the mover for fluctuations of the frame, caused by the walking way of movement, for pressing of soil and for implementation of useful "traction work") are defined. In the analysis it was considered that power costs of performance of traction work, due to course unevenness of the movement, changes depending on a cycle phase, and power losses on pressing of soil take place only at a feet changing. The analysis was based on kinematic and inertial characteristics of the walking movers of a number of experimental samples of the walking machines and robots. The possibility of mutual compensation of various components of energy consumption of the walking robotic systems intended for realization of considerable traction efforts is investigated. It is shown that there is a basic possibility of development of such walking mover, where various costs of pow-er will be in antiphase, or their maximum will be displaced in time. Thereby it is possible to solve a task of increasing of energy efficiency of the walking robotic systems movement. Results of work can be demanded in developing both in simplest walking machines, for example tractors for agri-cultural purposes, and for the difficult robotic systems, intended for executing of soil works with deficit of adhesion weight, for example, in underwater conditions or in the conditions of the weak-ened gravitation.
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