• N.A. Bocharov PJSC «Brook INEUM»
  • A.G. Zuev PJSC «Brook INEUM»
  • О. А. Slavin ISA FRC “Computer Science and Control” RAS
Keywords: Onboard computing systems, robotics, power consumption, Elbrus, technical vision


Research in the field of creating specialized computing systems for robots is conducted in
many world scientific centers, including our country. The development of capabilities of sensor
systems, global navigation systems, growth of computing power and improvement of algorithms
allow creating onboard computing systems with broad intellectual capabilities. An important, butunsolved problem remains the equipping of such computing systems with domestically produced
microprocessors. The emergence of domestic computing systems and software of the new generation,
such as microprocessor "Elbrus-8SV" and OS “Elbrus” opens up new opportunities for developers
of robotic complexes. The peak performance of "Elbrus-8SV" microprocessor is more
than 0.25 TFLOPS of double precision, which allows solving computationally complex tasks, such
as technical vision tasks, on the microprocessor. Another important requirement of onboard computing
technology, in addition to computational power, is low power consumption. As a rule, on
general-purpose microprocessors, high performance is impossible with low power consumption,
and specialized processors, such as vector or neuroprocessors, are used to solve computationally
complex technical vision tasks. To reduce the power consumption of general-purpose microprocessors,
there are special methods, among which the authors considered: switching off the physical
cores, reducing the clock frequency, switching off the pipeline, switching off synchronous pulses
in the idle state. The authors reviewed typical technical vision tasks solved by onboard computing
systems. An experiment was conducted to estimate power consumption and execution time of
vision algorithms when the clock frequency is reduced and the microprocessor cores are switched
off. The experiments showed the possibility to decrease the power consumption of the Elbrus-8SV
microprocessor cores by 36-46% with an increase in the program execution time. Based on the
results of the experiment, conclusions were made about the applicability of the Elbrus-8SV microprocessor
for creating advanced onboard computing systems with the ability to operate both in
high performance mode and with reduced power consumption. The results obtained by the authors
indicate the prospects of import substitution in the field of robotics.


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