• Y.N. Kocherov Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute
  • D.V. Samoilenko Nevinnomyssk Technological Institute
Keywords: System of residual classes, reliability of data transmission, threshold data separation, ensuring reliable communication of robotic complexes


The paper considers a reliable method of data transmission in commu-nication systems and
control of robotic complexes. Due to the fact that a change in part of the encoded information
transmitted through com-munication channels can lead to partial or complete loss of data and, as
a consequence, lead to loss of control over the robotic complex. There-fore, it is necessary to apply methods of protecting data transmitted over radio channels. The proposed method is intended
to ensure the protection of information in the communication channels of robotic complexes from
the access of unauthorized users and to confirm the reliability of the information received.
The article examines data protection methods designed to protect in-formation circulating in systems
formed by several interacting agents. The approach under consideration is based on the
methods of infor-mation protection and error-correcting coding based on the system of residual
classes. The applied methods of error-correcting coding, based on the system of residual classes,
are based on the idea of threshold data separation, in which the original information can be restored
from parts of the original information. This is due to the fact that redundant modular
arithmetic, or redundant system of residual classes, has unique properties with re-spect to error
detection and correction. In addition, the system of resid-ual classes has such an advantage as low
computational complexity of data separation algorithms. To increase the reliability of communication
between robotic complex-es in multichannel communication systems, the paper proposes a
meth-od for information protection and noise-resistant coding, based on a multistage threshold
data separation. As a result of the work, a system of noise-resistant information trans-mission was
obtained, which provides comprehensive protection for robotic systems.


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