• V.A. Kostjukov R&D Institute of Robotics and Control Systems
  • E.Y. Kosenko Southern Federal University
  • M.Y. Medvedev Southern Federal University
  • V.K. Pshikhopov Southern Federal University
  • M.V. Mamchenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: UAVs group, group navigation, autonomous navigation, estimation of position


Important problems in the development of mobile robotics are the task of autonomous navigation,
automatic movement control and providing a reliable communication channel. For navigation,
an unmanned aerial vehicle can use its own inertial navigation system and a satellite navigation
system. The purpose of this article is to develop a method for reducing errors in the operation
of the inertial navigation system of UAVs caused by the presence of random and systematic errors.
In this case, we consider the situation of a monotonous increase in the systematic error over time.
Usually, navigation data obtained from the satellite does not contain a significant systematic error
in determining the coordinates. However, the satellite signal may be lost for a time significantly
longer than the period of transmission of navigation data from the satellite in normal mode.
As a result, there is a problem of increasing the accuracy of the data received from the inertial
navigation system. This problem is particularly relevant for group application of UAVs. When
solving group control tasks, it becomes necessary to prevent vehicle collisions and possible collisions
already at the stage of traffic planning. In addition, to solve a number of group tasks, such as
monitoring the terrain, conducting rescue operations, searching for objects in a given area, and
joint cargo transportation, individual objects of the group must move smoothly in space with great
accuracy. This imposes more stringent restrictions on the accuracy of the inertial navigation systems
processing and the frequency of information exchange. In this paper, we propose a method
that allows, based on data obtained from local systems that measure the mutual distances between
objects in a group. This information allows correct the estimates of their own coordinates in such
a way as to reduce the standard deviation of the corrected set of points from the true positions of
objects at a given time. The method also reduces the maximum value of the corresponding deviation
in comparison with the original set of estimates obtained from the navigation data of the INS.
The method is demonstrated by the example of increasing the accuracy of determining global coordinates
in a group of UAVs.


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