• N.K. Kiselev JSC Central Design Bureau Lazurit
  • L.A. Martynova JSC CSRI Elektropribor
  • I.V. Pashkevich JSC CSRI Elektropribor
Keywords: Autonomous underwater vehicle, a hybrid power supply system, organization of an electrical network, movement in a wide range of speeds


The aim of the study is to organize the power grid of a hybrid power supply system for an autonomous
underwater vehicle capable of moving in a wide range of speeds. The need to move the
autonomous underwater vehicle in a wide range of speeds requires the use of heterogeneous sources
of electricity operating on different physical principles - storage batteries and electrochemical generators
using reagents from the reagent storage. In addition, in order to provide consumers with
electricity with the required parameters (currents, voltages, volumes of electricity), it is necessary to
use additional switchboards, voltage converters, protective switching equipment, keys. The use of
additional equipment in the power grid allows you to flexibly configure the power grid in order to
generate energy in an amount consistent with the amount of electricity consumed. On the other hand,
additional equipment causes losses of electricity in the network, and, accordingly, additional electricity.
In this regard, the task of determining the option for organizing the power grid, at which the loss
of electricity would be minimal, is relevant. To solve this problem, the features of the use of additional
equipment in the power grid were analyzed, the consumption of electricity by an autonomous underwater
vehicle at different stages of a route assignment was analyzed, the minimum and maximum
volumes of consumption were determined when an autonomous underwater vehicle moved in different
speed modes. This made it possible to determine the degree of involvement of heterogeneous
sources of electricity in the process of performing a route assignment. Based on the results of the
analysis, alternative options for the power grid were formed. To select the option of the organization
that ensures the minimum losses of electricity, a target graph of the effect of losses on individual
devices of the power grid was formed - on the losses of the entire power grid, and using the method of
distributing tags, quantitative estimates of each of the alternative options were obtained. Teaching
quantitative assessments made it possible to determine the option of organizing an electrical network
that minimizes losses. This allows, in turn, to formulate the requirements for the functioning of the
elements of the hybrid power supply system, to develop control algorithms. In general, the result
obtained makes it possible to minimize the consumption of energy resources during the movement of
an autonomous underwater vehicle throughout the entire duration of the route assignment.


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