The work is devoted to the problem of diagnosing the suspension of vehicles. The problem of
monitoring the condition of the suspension is now the most urgent due to the constant growth of
the vehicle fleet and the tightening of requirements for their safe operation. Timely and accurate
monitoring of the condition of the suspension can prevent the failure of entire vehicle components,
as well as avoid such serious consequences as a road traffic accident. In the work, modern diagnostic
tools are considered in detail, the principles of operation, advantages and disadvantages
are highlighted, the rationale for choosing from the existing methods one that can help most accurately
and quickly detect a malfunction is presented. With the advent of modern technologies, the
well-known method for assessing the state of the suspension by sound can become the most advanced,
since the human factor is excluded, computer technology is used to process the signal, the
analysis of the sound spectrum in which is carried out using computer technology. The article
discusses mechanisms that are capable of generating sound signals. The proposed diagnostic
method makes it possible to single out "useful" sounds from the total number of suspension noises,
after a comparative analysis, indicate the node whose sound differs from the standard, serviceable
one. This solution in diagnostics can significantly reduce the overall labor intensity by eliminating
partial or complete disassembly of the suspension, as a result, despite the simplification, the accuracy
of fault detection will only increase. The aim of the work is to study the vibroacoustic signals
emitted by the suspension units. With the help of sensors, the signals are read out, then mathematical
processing takes place on a computer. As a result of the research, a diagnostic method has
been developed that allows detecting hidden defects of suspension assemblies and determining the
degree of wear. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the diagnostic process becomes automated,
all signals taken by the sensors are processed in a computer or a special scanner, information
about the state of certain nodes is displayed on the display, in contrast to existing methods, where
diagnostics is carried out visually or by ear. thus, it becomes possible to avoid mistakes.
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