• А. А. Petunin Ural Federal University
  • E.G. Polishchuk Ural Federal University
  • S.S. Ukolov Ural Federal University
Keywords: Cutting problem, continuous cutting, optimization, sufficient conditions, heuristics, GTSP, variable neighborhood search


The problem of tool path routing for the CNC thermal cutting machines is considered.
Pierce points are located at the parts bounding contours, consisting of straight-line segments and
circular arcs. Continuous cutting technique is used, each contour is cut out entirely, and no presampling
occurs, so cutting can start from any point on the contour. General problem of minimizing
the route length is reduced to minimizing the air move length. It is shown to be equivalent to
finding the shortest polyline with vertices on the contours. New algorithm for constructing such a
broken line for fixed order of contour traversing is proposed. The resulting solution is shown to be
a local minimum. Some sufficient conditions are described for the it to be also a global minimum,
which can be easily verified numerically, and some even visually. A technique is described for
automatically taking into account precedence constraints for the practically important case of
nested contours. This also decreases the size of the problem, which has a positive effect on the
optimization time. A heuristic routing algorithm based on the variable neighborhood search (VNS)
is proposed. Alternative approaches to the use of other discrete optimization methods along with
the proposed algorithm for constructing the shortest polyline for solving the complete problem of
continuous cutting, and the resulting difficulties of both theoretical and practical nature are described.
The generalization of the problem of continuous cutting to a wider class of problems of
(generalized) segment cutting is described, which makes it possible to advance in solving the problem
of intermittent cutting. The scheme of application of the proposed algorithm for solving problems
of generalized segment cutting is described. The results of numerical experiments are considered
in comparison with the exact solution of the GTSP problem.


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