• O.V. Kofnov St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • S.A. Potriasaev St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • B.V. Sokolov St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • P.M. Trefilov V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Robots, proactive control, OODA loop, group behavior, logical-dynamic model, Behavior- Based Systems


The paper describes the proactive control of robots group behavior using Behavior-Based System
models, where the intellect is formed by a physical entities behavior. The observed complex is an
array of distributed agents functioning in real time under disturbances. John Boyd’s OODA loop
model is used to describe the control system work cycle of such network object. The input data of the
control task are a planning horizon, a group action scenario, an array of agents and their possible
elementary operations, a set of scenarios using restrictions and a quality indicator of the controlproblem solution. The output data is the distribution plan of agents in space and time to realize the
scenario under restrictions. The developed technology predicts the environmental disturbances. The
complex predictive modeling methodology for a self-organized robots group control is used with
logical-dynamic models. One of the key advantages of developed combined models, methods, algorithms
and software is the possibility to coordinate analytical and simulation control models of complex
dynamic objects and their logical-algebraic analogs and models based on intelligent information
technology. This coordination is on the conceptual, model-algorithmic, information and software
detailing levels. The special language for modeling, planning, proactive monitoring and control
task description is also developed. This language can be used for dialog interaction, calculation
planning and data mining too. The proposed method main advantage is the non-isolated, but integrated
solving of robotics configuration (reconfiguration) modeling, planning and management with
the structural dynamics proactive control common problem solution.


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