• G.P. Vinogradov Research Institute "Tsentrprogramsistem"
  • A.S. Emtsev Research Institute "Tsentrprogramsistem"
  • I.S. Fedotov Research Institute "Tsentrprogramsistem"
Keywords: Pattern, wireless network, sensor, artificial intelligence


For military purposes, wireless sensor networks allow you to "link autonomous systems" into a
complex that has the property of self-organization, when objects "know" how to find each other and
form a network, and in the event of a failure of any of the nodes can establish new routes for transmitting
messages. It is possible to achieve the desired efficiency of such complexes, mainly by improving
the intellectual component of their control system in general and individual node in particular.
However, it should be noted that the vast majority of research in this area remains at the theoretical
level. The goal is to: 1) the study and development of algorithms for network design with mobile
nodes and their possible failures due to the combat mission; 2) the study and development of site use
sensor network to collect, analyze, and transmit data about the situation and decision-making in the
area of responsibility; 3) to offer relatively simple algorithms for giving the network node the property of intelligent behavior under the conditions of restrictions on power consumption and speed.
It is shown that the required algorithms can be developed if the classes of typical situations and
successful methods of action in real conditions are identified. On this basis, it becomes possible to
develop formal models (patterns) for implementation in the node management system. A two-level
structure of an intelligent network management system is proposed. The upper level, implemented
by the operator, corresponds to such properties as survival, security, fulfillment of mission obligations,
accumulation and adjustment of the knowledge base in the form of effective behavior patterns.
The object of control for it is the network, considered as a functional system.


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