• V.P. Noskov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • I.V. Rubtsov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • K.Y. Mashkov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • A.V. Vazaev NIISM
Keywords: Chassis, relief, ground, geometric and support passability, external environment model, technical vision system


To increase the capabilities and expand possible applications of robotic systems for special
purposes, switching from the currently being adopted remote control systems to semi-autonomous
systems that monitor operator actions and perform part of his functions is proposed. Moving to
autonomous control systems capable of functioning in the "silent" mode, in shielded areas andbeyond the range of radio communications is proposed as a next step. Such intellectualization of
on-board control systems will allow to eliminate fundamental limitations and disadvantages
caused by the communication channel and ensures the implementation of robot group control. It is
shown that the basis for robot autonomy increasing of on-board control systems, both for movement
and tool control, is onboard environment model generation and determining the coordinates
of the control object. External environment model and current coordinates makes it possible to
automate the trajectory planning and movement, which ensures the autonomous functioning of
robotic systems. The complex problem of environment segmentation according to geometric and
ground passability is considered, taking into account the characteristics of the chassis, the geometry
of the relief and the supporting properties of the ground. The existing methods are described
and the results of experimental studies are given to solve the following main tasks: – classification
of the operation zone according to geometric passability based data from the onboard technical
vision system; – ground types recognition according to the integrated technical vision system; –
using the apparatus of neural networks to improve the reliability of ground types recognition; –
determination of ground reference characteristics by measuring the reactions of the chassis during
movement. The promising directions for further research in integrating tactile and visual information
to improve the reliability of the classification of operation zone according to the complex
criterion of geometric and support passability are formulated.


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