• N.I. Vitiska
  • N.A. Gulyaev
  • V.V. Selyankin
Keywords: Optimization, multi-channel systems, logical synthesis, volume visualization, visualization quality, ray tracing


The paper reviewes a problem of optimization and quality improvement of development and
design of multi-channel systems which perform direct volume visualization. Volume visualization
is widely used in modern computer graphics and visualization systems. Volume visualization is
well-know for its requrements - it demands large amounts of data to be processed to produce a
high quality result. The optimization problem is considered as a quality-cost dependence, where
the target is to achieve is the required quality level at minimal cost. The paper proposes a method
for logical synthesis of such systems, which allows to obtain optimal quality-cost ratios depending
on the required parameters. The proposed method allows to achieve a quality level, that is close to
results of a full-search solutions, but it requires a significantly smaller amount of calculations. For
each channel of the system, a set of variables is defined, the optimization of which will ensure the
quality of the resulting images. Based on the optimization parameters, a switching function is constructed
using a Veitch diagram. This approach is implemented programmatically in each channel
of the distributed system in real time, what sets the general scheme of the method. In described
study, experimental research of relatationship between the accuracy of the solution and the
amount of calculations of direct volume visualization in each channel of a distributed system was
performed. A method for optimal image synthesis based equalizing the playback quality in a small
group of channels in a distributed system was developed.


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