• A.V. Kasarkin
Keywords: Theory of sets, graph NP-complete tasks, clique task, maximal cliques of a graph, reconfigurable computer system, FPGA, information graph, structural implementation, pipeline, supercomputer


When we solve graph NP-complete tasks on multiprocessor systems, the growth of hardware
resource does not lead to the proportional increase of the system performance, and hence, the task
solution time is not always reasonable. The aim of our research, given in the paper, is minimization
of the solution time of the task of maximal clique enumeration on reconfigurable computer
systems (RCS). When we solve tasks on RCSs with the help of the method of parallelizing by layers,
the growth of performance also slows down in spite of better scalability in comparison with
multiprocessor implementations. In the paper, we suggest a method of parallel-pipeline application
development for reconfigurable computer systems. The method is based on parallelizing bylayers for graph NP-complete tasks. We show that the bit representation of sets, which is used for
the method of parallelizing by layers, is not efficient for the method of parallelizing by iterations.
The new method has another organization of calculations; it processes unordered sets, whose
elements are accessed not by addresses (as in arrays), but by values (names of vertices and names
of edges of the graph). We show that the new method, based on parallelizing by iterations, provides
ramping of the RCS real performance at much larger computational resource in comparison
with the method of parallelizing by layers. Its specific performance is lower, because computing
substructures are to process more intermediate data due to symbolic representation of sets.


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