• A.I. Dordopulo
  • A.A. Gulenok
  • A.V. Bovkun
  • I.I. Levin
  • V.A. Gudkov
  • S.A. Dudko
Keywords: Information graph, compiler, translation of programs, C language, performance reduction, reconfigurable computer system, programming of multiprocessor computer systems


In the paper we review software tools for translation of sequential C-programs into scalable
parallel-pipeline programs written in the COLAMO language, used for programming of reconfigurable
computer systems. In contrast to existing tools of high-level synthesis, the translation result
is not an IP-core of a task fragment, but a complex task solution for multichip reconfigurable
computer systems with automatic synchronization of data and control signals. We analysed the
main translation steps of a sequential C-program such as transformation into an information
graph, analysis of data dependencies and selection of functional subgraphs, transformation into a
scalable resource-independent parallel-pipeline form, and scaling a COLAMO-program for a
specified multichip reconfigurable computer system. A program is scaled with the help of performance
reduction methods, applied to a completely parallel form of a task (an information graph),
adapted to the architecture of a reconfigurable computer system. We developed several rules,significantly reducing the number of transformation steps of task scaling, and providing a continuous flow of data processing in the functional subgraphs of the task. The developed software tools
for translation of C-programs into FPGA configuration files significantly decrease the synthesis
time of a task computing structure for multichip RCSs and the total task solution time.


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