• A.K. Melnikov
Keywords: Probability, statistics, exact distribution, an accurate approximation of the vector of multiplicity of types, the linear equation algorithmic complexity


We consider the algorithmic complexity of calculating the exact probability distributions of
statistical values and their exact approximations by solving the first multiplicity equation. As exact
approximations of probability distributions of statistical values, we consider their Δ−exact distributions
that differ from the exact distributions by no more than a predetermined, arbitrarily small
valueΔ. It is shown that the basis of the method for calculating the exact probability distributions
of statistical values is the enumeration of elements of the search area for solutions to a linear
equation of multiplicity of types, composed of vectors of multiplicity of types, each element of
which is the number of occurrences of elements of a certain type (any sign of the alphabet) in the
sample under consideration. At the same time, it is shown that the method of limiting the search
area for solutions is used to calculate exact approximations of the probability distribution of statistical
values. An expression is given that defines the algorithmic complexity of calculating exact
distributions by solving the first multiplicity equation. The given expression is finite and allows for
each value of the alphabet power to determine the maximum sample size for which, using a limited
computational resource, exact distributions can be calculated by solving the first multiplicity
equation. The range of parameters represented by the sample size and alphabet power for which
exact distributions can be calculated with a limited computing resource is defined. To estimate the
algorithmic complexity of calculating exact approximations of distributions, we present an expression
for the first time obtained for the number of solutions to the equation of the first multiplicity
with a restriction on the coordinate values of the solution vectors. An expression is given that defines
the algorithmic complexity of calculating exact approximations by solving the first multiplicity
equation with a restriction on the coordinate values of the solution vectors. As a parameter for
limiting the coordinates of solution vectors, the maximum frequency statistic value is used, the
probability of exceeding it is less than a pre-set, arbitrarily small valueΔ, which allows calculating
exact approximations of distributions that differ from their exact distributions by no more than the
selected value Δ. The given expression is finite and allows for each value of the alphabet to determine
the maximum sample size for which, when using a limited computational resource, exact
approximations can be calculated by solving the equation of the first multiplicity under the restrictions
set using the valueΔ. The results of calculations of the maximum sample volumes for
which exact approximations can be calculated are presented. It is shown that the algorithmiccomplexity of calculating exact distributions exceeds the complexity of calculating their exact approximations
by many orders of magnitude. It is shown that the use of the first multiplicity method
for calculating exact approximations allows for the same values of the alphabet power to increase
the sample volume by two or more times compared to the calculation of exact distributions.


1. Mel'nikov A.K. Sravnenie effektivnosti obrabotki tekstov pri primenenii v statisticheskikh
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2. Zelyukin N.B., Mel'nikov A.K. Slozhnost' rascheta tochnykh raspredeleniy veroyatnosti
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3. Mel'nikov A.K. Slozhnost' rascheta tochnykh raspredeleniy veroyatnosti simmetrichnykh
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