• Y.A. Zhukov Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH»
  • E.B. Korotkov Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH»
  • A.V. Moroz Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH»
Keywords: Hexapod, Stewart platform, control, parallel robot, forward kinematic, Jacobian matrix, inverse dynamic, neural networks, CUDA, NVIDIA JETSON, Neural Network Toolbox, Matlab


This research is a part of the work implemented by BSTU "Voenmeh" under the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for design and devel-opment of a precision mechanism with the parallel kinematics called "Hexapod". New released embedded platforms of artificial intelligence involve the interest of research engineers to imple-ment modern control algorithms at a new qualitative level. The purpose of this work is to obtain neural network solutions for hexapod control problems for the modern NVIDIA JETSON embed-ded platform. The control problems of hexapod are presented, which include solving the forward and inverse kinematics, controlling the forces at the hexapod's legs based on the computing of the inverse model of dynamics implementing the desired trajectory in Cartesian coordinates. We pro-pose to apply the neural networks for solving the forward kinematics problem and approximating Jacobi inverse matrices in the problem of computing the inverse model of dynamics. We used theNeural Network Toolbox Matlab for train neural networks and testing the proposed algorithms. The results of the training of neural networks for solving the forward kinematics problem with an accuracy of more than 10 times greater than the specified error of the control system in all work-space are presented. The architecture of the neural network for approximating the Jacobi inverse matrix is presented. The mathematical description of the neural network control algorithms is implemented. An approach to creating software for the NVIDIA JETSON embedded platform is described. The CUDA implementation of the developed algorithms for the JETSON TX1 platform was performed, testing of which showed the triple superiority of parallel algorithms in the speed of solving the forward kinematics problem compared to the traditional iterative approach based on the Newton-Raphson method.


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