• A.N. Zikiy Southern Federal University
  • A.S. Kochubey Southern Federal University
Keywords: Autogenerator, frequency stability, dielectric resonator, circuit, design, experiment, element base


Heterodynes are an integral part of any superheterodyne receiver. They determine the stability
and accuracy of the receiver settings. The purpose of this work is to create a heterodyne
module with improved electrical parameters, with small dimensions and weight. The object of
research is a five-channel heterodyne of the centimeter wave range. Such a heterodyne can be
used in a multi-channel superheterodyne signal detection receiver. An experimental study of two
five-channel channels-the upper and lower frequency heterodyne tuning. The results are presented
in the form of frequency run-out curves for half an hour of operation after switching on, as well as
the spectra of output signals in the near and far zones. The functional diagram of the module, a
brief description of the design and the experimental method are given. The design of the module
has the overall dimensions of the case 170x20x40 mm, is standardized and allows you to integrate
the module into various receivers. Each channel of the heterodyne module includes a voltage stabilizer,
an autogenerator with a dielectric resonator, a power amplifier and a power control detector,
and a power divider by two. As a result of the experiments, the following parameters were
achieved: – operating frequencies of 9.25 and 16.25 GHz; – maximum output power in the absence
of an amplifier of at least 2 mW; – the run-out frequency of 80 kHz to 9,25 GHz frequency;
– run-on frequency 600 kHz for the frequency of 16.25 GHz; – supply voltage + 15 V; – spectral
line width no more than 5 kHz; –second harmonic suppression of at least 25 dB; – there is an
on / off switch for each channel of the heterodyne module and built-in health monitoring.


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