• I.I. Levin Southern Federal University
  • K.N. Alekseev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Microseismic monitoring, inverse kinematic problem, reconfigurable computer systems, FPGA, real-time problems


The paper covers the possibility to create the digital hydrocarbon deposit models in real time on the basis of "passive" microseismic monitoring data. Processing of primary seismic data is impossible on multiprocessor computer systems of traditional architecture in real time because of a large amount of processed data; the complexity of storage organization of intermediate results; the labor-intensive operations. There is a different paradigm of computational process organiza-tion during the solution of labor-intensive tightly-coupled problems. It’s based on the synthesis of parallel-pipeline programs for reconfigurable computer systems (RCS). According to this ap-proach, the problem is presented as an information graph. The graph consist of a set of vertices (the performed operations), and a set of arcs describing the sequence of data transfer between the vertices, as well as input and output signals. Traditional methods of automatic synthesis of compu-tational structures involve the direct mapping of the information graph or part of it on the compu-tational field of RCS, constructed from a set of interconnected programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGAs). This approach is provided the maximum performance of the computer system, using all available hardware resources. However, the performance of the computer system is often higher than necessary at solving real-time problems on the RCS by traditional methods. It leads to overspending of the used RCS resource, the increased energy consumption and, as a result, the excessive cost of final product. In this regard, a new synthesis method of parallel-pipeline pro-grams for RCS was proposed for determining the minimum hardware resource at given solution time. According to the new approach, the information graph of the problem must be transformed in such a way that the synthesized computational structure has the required performance. The application of the new method was presented by the solution of the main computationally-laborious problem of microseismic monitoring: the inverse kinematic problem of seismic exploration. The estimation of the minimum hardware costs for a given solution time was given, and sev-eral configurations of RCS were proposed. Analysis of the results proved the effectiveness of the new approach application in comparison with traditional methods. Therefore, the new method of creating the parallel-pipeline programs for RCS can be used at solving the real-time problems.


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