• A.V. Pomazanov Southern Federal University
  • D.P. Volik Southern Federal University
  • S.S. Shibaev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Acoustooptics, acoustooptic cymometer, acoustooptic deflector, Fourier-objective lens, photoreceiver, diffraction, AO measurer, laser, electrodynamical structure


Methods of functional electronics, particularly acousto-optical (AO) method of radiosignal
processing, strongly lead even in comparison with DSP in cases requiring in minimum time period
in wide analysis band with high accuracy to measure frequency and time parameters of several
simultaneous signals. Development of new technologies and materials makes using the AO devices
more actual since, according to integral features (consumption power, sizes, mass), they take leading
places among other radiosignal parameters measurers types. AO cymometers as a kind of AO
measurers take their firm place in an equipment of radiosignals parameters evaluation due to
unique characteristics – multisignal mode, resolution, small sizes, acceptable input dynamic range
and frequency evaluation accuracy. These devices are capable to practically instantly translate
signals from time to frequency domain and find application in systems of passive radiocontrol
where important parameters are not only dynamic range, evaluation accuracy of frequency and
phase, but also energy consumption, mass and sizes that become considerable in mobile and space
measurement complexes. By this reason in many countries AO cymometers have been successfully
utilized in air and space engineering. Technical parameters of AO cymometers, such as band,
nonuniformity of working channel, AO interaction efficiency etc. are largely defined by parameters of
AOD (AO deflectors). Among all elements of AO device AOD are more expensive and together with
lasers and photoreceivers AOD manufacturing also requires high technologies applying. Along with
development and production not less important and technically complicated (that influences the AOD
cost) is the task of development of ways computation, control and measurement of OD parameters.
This work authors, being coworkers of laboratory "Nanophotonics and optoelectronics" of SFedU,
have solved the task of calculation of technical and technological parameters of AOD of two frequency
bands, have developed documentation, that allowed to manufacture several AOD samples, have
developed the system of testing, that have been carried out, and implemented the correction of AOD
electrodynamical structure parameters. Given are the parameters calculation and math modeling
AOD electrodynamical structure, the method of measuring the AOD parameters, the layout of
testing set. Also given the results of experimental investigations of developed AOD. Shown that
electrodynamical structure correction allows in constrained range to change the AOD parameters
and only adjusting capacitor does not allow to match parameters, but it is necessary to execute the
matching system topology correction. Theoretical calculations and modeling have been confirmed
by experimental results of manufactured AOD.


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