• S.M. Gushanskiy Southern Federal University
  • V.S. Potapov Southern Federal University
  • Y.M. Borodyansky St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich
Keywords: Modeling, quantum algorithm, qubit, model of a quantum computer, entanglement, superposition, quantum operator


At all stages of the development of information technology, much attention has been paid to
the issues of modeling functioning specialized high-performance computing systems, which make it
possible to provide the necessary performance indicators in combination with minimized costs of
software resources and energy consumption. The developed information system, focused on human-
machine interaction, allows you to clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of the developed
quantum computing device, to prove the advantages of its use. The developed modeling information
system is a visual aid for understanding the main methods of interaction between information
processes and information resources. A number of the most important problems cannot be
solved using classical computers, including classical supercomputers, in a reasonable time. Recently,
there has been a surge in interest in quantum computers. This article is devoted to solving
the problem of research and development of a circuit and a simulation technique for a hardware
accelerator of quantum computing. The work touches upon the problems of research and development of methods for the functioning of quantum circuits and models of quantum computing devices.
The relevance of these studies lies in the mathematical and software modeling and implementation
of the fundamental components of quantum computing models. The scientific novelty of
this direction is expressed in the optimization of the quantum computational process. The scientific
novelty of this area is primarily expressed in the constant updating and supplementing of the field
of quantum research in a number of areas. The aim of this work is to implement a technique for
constructing a hardware accelerator. The technical support of the information quantum system
and processes has been implemented, including new software for the transmission and presentation
of information. The use of a quantum computing information system differs from its counterparts
by a significant increase in the speed of solving computational problems and, most importantly,
by an exponential increase in the speed of solving NP-complete problems that can be
solved on classical machines in unacceptable time. Due to the fact that the class of NP problems is
wide, the applicability and significance of the developed method for constructing a modular system
of quantum computing is beyond doubt.


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