The paper proposes a modified distributed data processing architecture based on the clientserver
model, as one of the options for implementing a software application of a geographic information
system. The review of existing geographic information systems and their classification
from the point of view of architecture demonstrated the prospect of using a distributed architecture.
However, systems developed on the basis of a traditional distributed architecture face problems
displaying processed 3-dimensional data in real time on computing devices with low performance.
In this regard, the purpose of this work is to develop and study a modified architecture of
geographic information systems, which allows to reduce the requirements for computing devices of
clients. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that currently there are devices that can
support only thin clients, which often have small functionality and are not able to solve heavy
computing tasks. The article discusses the features of the structural and software implementation
of a geographic information system based on the traditional architecture and the proposed modified
distributed architecture. The results of experiments carried out on two developed software
applications with different architectures are presented. The software implementation of the modified
architecture and the results of experiments have shown the feasibility of its application for
geographic information system systems on user computing devices with low performance.
The proposed architecture can be used in other distributed systems as well. Especially in those
where the task is to display three-dimensional information on thin clients.
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