In the modern world, one of the important communication channels is the Internet. Trade,
promotion of services is carried out through electronic platforms. Social networks and instant
messengers are becoming the most important communication channel and a powerful tool for
influencing public opinion. A significant amount in all published content falls on texts written in
natural language. Therefore, the problems of natural language processing (NLP) and natural
language understanding (NLU) today are one of the key ones. Under the influence of commercial
interests, the field of automatic aspect-based sentiment analysis is actively developing. This task
significantly depends on specific subject areas, and therefore the issue of quick and effective adaptation
of existing models to new domains is very acute. The paper proposes a hybrid method of
aspect-oriented analysis, based on data extracted from common dictionaries and domain-oriented
texts. The novel method for constructing a condensed semantic graph based on unstructured domain-
dependent texts is proposed. Numerical metrics to assess the significance of individual termswithin the entire domain are introduced. An algorithm for the text categorization based on the
selection of semantic clusters within a condensed domain-specific graph is proposed. A method for
assessing the sentiment of domain-oriented texts based on statistical data, including the joint use
of a tone lexicon and a condensed domain-specialized graph, is proposed. The results of experiments
are presented, allowing for evaluation of the quality of the algorithms.
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