• A.V. Podoprigora Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Research Center
  • M.D. Chekina Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Research Center
Keywords: Extra-large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations, spGEMM, multigrid method, reconfigurable computing systems, systems of linear algebraic equation, SLAE


This paper presents the possibility of solving large and extra-large sparse systems of linear algebraic equations having used multigrid method by reconfigurable computing systems (RCS). At the present moment, computer modeling is becoming topical. Replacing prototype models, it is being used in many areas of science of technology, and makes it possible to predict natural pro-cess and phenomena, as well as enable us to predict natural processes and phenomena. This mode of modeling is based on Physics and Mathematics models in occurrence of systems of linear equa-tions and the main matrix operator is provided with sparse structure. To attack large and extra-large sparse systems of linear equations will permit to improve calculation accuracy enable to increase data processing. Multigrid method is chosen for assessing efficiency of RCS, for attacked sparse large and extra-large SLAE, because of it is speed of convergence solution and precision of calculates. Multigrid method of solving SLAE by RSC is classified as strongly connected type task of high performance mean that both of interprocessor exchanges and intermemory exchanges which are compatible to or exceed the number of executed operations. In connection with this thereby efficient implementation of this task requires to both multichannel access and nonlinear memory access. This approach is impossible to implement by using compute systems of traditional architecture and directly affects the performance. High performance can be achieved due to multiconveyer calculations, so we use more flexible architecture compute system, as RSC, which are based on FPGA. Recent studies have revealed that most demanding function of multigrid method is sparse general matrix-matrix multiplication (spGEMM).Utilization of RSC can decrease problem time large and extra-large sparse SLAE, research result has showed by the example of sparse general matrix-matrix multiplication. Comparison of RSC productivity with multipro-cessing compute system show multiple advantages of RSC.


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