• V.P. Fedosov Southern Federal University
  • Jaleel Sadoon Jameel Southern Federal University
  • S.V. Kucheryavenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Single Input Single Output (SISO), Multiple Input; Multiple Output (MIMO), Bit Error Rate (BER), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), WiMAX, multipath


This paper considers infrastructure to wireless mobile communications using Advanced-WiMAX. In this paper, the productivity performance throughput experienced the mobile users is compared in the cases of 3D SISO and 3D MIMO-channel models within a large urban cell. Re-cently, there has been substantial work and interest to expand MIMO and SISO-processing by taking into consideration in the design the elevation plane in addition to the azimuth dimension, Since the evaluation of elevation MIMO and SISO performance in 3D-channel design is needed. Bit-level simulation is performed for the channel in WiMAX operating at 2.5 GHz. The results indicate the accuracy of the 3D channel model, and the correct estimation of the 3D channel is showed. The difference in higher predicted capacity for the 3D channel model has resulted in the small-scale parameters for the SISO-case and the lower spatial correlation parameters for the MIMO-case. Different mobility speeds, the effect of the Doppler shift, several paths and the signal attenuation at a distance and with increasing frequency has been carried out in this study. Simulation runtimes are measured concerning the multi-section modulation types for both systems SISO and MIMO. Noise immunity is adversely affected by an increase in the number of spatial streams. The noise immunity is also affected by the increase in the number of antennas at the transmitters and receivers.


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