• S. L. Belyakov Southern Federal University
  • M. L. Belyakova Southern Federal University
  • S.A. Zubkov Southern Federal University
  • N.A. Golova Southern Federal University
  • K.S. Yavorchuk Southern Federal University
Keywords: Intelligent geographic information systems, situational analysis, knowledge transfer, decision- making


The problem of transferring the experience of decision-making in situational analysis using
geoinformation systems is considered. The need for intellectual support from the geoinformation
system is due to the fact that spatial objects and connections of the real world are extremely dynamic.
Under these conditions, it is not possible to apply analytical models of processes and phenomena
due to the incompleteness and inconsistency of the information describing them. Statistical
models depend on a large number of factors, which vary as the geographical location of the
situation changes. An alternative is to use the experience of experts who are able to make effective
decisions in local spatial situations. The lack of control over the reuse of experience is a problem.
The knowledge gained in developing solutions in one locality can lead to inadequate solutions in
another locality. The experience of solving a problem in the same area loses its significance over
time. In this paper, we propose a representation of knowledge in the form of an image consisting
of a center and acceptable transformations of the center. Image transformation functions that
perform knowledge transfer are introduced. The properties of transformation functions that carry
procedural knowledge about the images of situations are analyzed. The use of the identified properties
for the formation of a test plan for software transformation procedures is considered. Thecriteria for successful transformation are studied. The optimization problem of finding the best
transformation function in the GIS knowledge base is formulated. A generalized method of transforming
experience is proposed. An example of the synthesis of transformation methods for selecting
an operational call center is given. The image of the situation of making a decision about
choosing a land plot for a service center is transformed into the specified area on the GIS map.


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