• P.A. Zemlyanukhin Southern Federal University
  • A. V. Kondratiev Southern Federal University
  • S.S. Svidelsky Southern Federal University
Keywords: Noise generator, noise signal conditioner, noise signal, analog signal multiplier, SERaI, quasi-harmonic noise signal


The purpose of this work is to study the principle of operation and characteristics of a modulation-
type noise signal conditioner in which quasi-harmonic noise signals are used as a carrier
oscillation and modulating signal and in which the spectrum width of the noise signal is controlled
in a given frequency range. A study of the structure of the construction characteristics of the noise
signal generator that can be used to create adaptive multichannel noise generators to provide
active protection of informative components of side electromagnetic radiation and interference
(SERaI). According to the sources of domestic and foreign literature, as well as patent documentation,
the analysis of technical solutions for the implementation of noise generators intended for
masking SERaI were analyzed. The analysis confirmed the relevance of the problem of creating
adaptive noise generators. It is noted that it is necessary to create multichannel adaptive noise
generators to improve the characteristics of noise generators and make them more widely used in
order to effectively counteract unauthorized leakage of information by hackers through the SERaI
radiation channels. In these generators, each noise channel can be adjusted for power, generated
noise signal and control of the noise masking frequency bandwidth, which will increase the electromagnetic
compatibility of such devices. To ensure this, it is proposed to use two analog signalmultipliers in the noise signal conditioner, from the outputs of which the noise signals are summed
and sent to the output of the noise signal conditioner which allows to obtain a uniform noise signal
in amplitude. It provides control over the spectral width of the noise signal at least twice as compared
to traditional methods of generating a noise signal using modulation methods.


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