• А.А. Kurnosov SPMDB "Malachite", USBC JSC
Keywords: Complex systems, non-ergodicity, compatibility, interaction, uncertainty, antipodes, glare, highlights, Lorentz factor, causality, physical simulation


With regard to the interaction of complex systems, the issues of monitoring the information situation,
the types of information interactions and the topological approach to taking into account the
multimedia interaction of complex systems in the underwater environment are considered. The classification
of the main effects arising from information interaction of marine technogenic objects is
given. Three main groups of effects associated with the physics of media, with the features of the
propagation of energy in these media and with the features of the actual interaction of two or more
objects are distinguished. The scheme of clustering of effects is given: uncertainty, incompatibility,
nonlinearity, relativistic effects, effects on the boundaries of media. Within these clusters, the article
considers the following effects: an increase in the intensity of information exchange, the emergence
of unpredictable new connections, causal incompatibility, antipodes, glare, backlights, relativistic
effects. It is shown that there are certain differences in the information interaction of objects in media
with different interaction rates and dissipation of interaction energy. These differences are manifested
in an increase in the intensity of exchange in dense media at some "proximity" distances. In thiscase, the emergence of unpredictable causal relationships is observed. During the exchange of information
in these regions of the singularity, in addition to the effects caused by the peculiarities of
the propagation of signals in water, the effects associated precisely with the information interaction
of two or more objects are observed. It is noted that almost all effects can lead to a significant distortion
of the information perceived by objects and to a violation of the decision-making process. Incompatibility
effects have the greatest catastrophic potential. At high speeds of movement of marine
technogenic objects for individual observers, a violation of causality is possible. The scheme of violation
of causality in the interaction of objects is shown, associated with the loss of information of
two types – relativistic (due to the excess of the speed of movement of objects over the speed of interaction
in the medium) and geometric (due to the exit of a "fast" object from the region of "slow" pulse
propagation). It is concluded that it is necessary to carry out physical simulation using highperformance
systems and modern mathematical methods on a single criterion basis.


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