• L. K. Babenko Southern Federal University
  • I. D. Rusalovsky Southern Federal University
Keywords: Homomorphic encryption, cryptographic protection, methods and algorithms, homomorphic division


The article deals with the problems of homomorphic cryptography. Homomorphic cryptography
is one of the young directions of cryptography. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is possible
to process encrypted data without preliminary decryption in such a way that the result of operations
on encrypted data is equivalent, after decryption, to the result of operations on open data.
The article provides a brief overview of the areas of application of homomorphic encryption. To
solve various applied problems, support for all mathematical operations is required, including the
division operation, and the ability to perform this operation homomorphically will expand the
possibilities of using homomorphic encryption. The paper proposes a method of homomorphic
division based on an abstract representation of the ciphertext in the form of an ordinary fraction.
The paper describes in detail the proposed method. In addition, the article contains an example of
the practical implementation of the proposed method. It is proposed to divide the levels of data
processing into 2 levels – cryptographic and mathematical. At the cryptographic level, a completely homomorphic encryption algorithm is used and the basic homomorphic mathematical operations
are performed – addition, multiplication and difference. The mathematical level is a superstructure
on top of the cryptographic level and expands its capabilities. At the mathematical level,
the ciphertext is represented as a simple fraction and it becomes possible to perform the
homomorphic division operation. The paper also provides a practical example of applying the
homomorphic division method based on the Gentry algorithm for integers. Conclusions and possible
ways of further development are given.


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