• E.N. Obukhova Don State Technical University
Keywords: Electro-pneumatic system, invariant manifolds, phase variables, harmonic disturbance, integral adaptation


The active use of electro-pneumatic systems in various areas of industrial automation is due
to such rather high performance indicators of the pneumatic drive as reliability, speed, low cost,
availability of use in high humidity conditions, as well as in explosive and fire hazardous environments.
The article provides a brief analysis of domestic and foreign scientific works devoted to the
development of various methods of pneumatic system control, in which the problem of synthesis of
effective control laws with adaptive properties to external disturbances is posed. The aim of this
work is to develop an adaptive nonlinear synergetic control law to suppress the disturbing effect,
which was specified and additively introduced into the mathematical model in the form of a harmonic
function. The synthesis of the adaptive control law was carried out using the method of
integral adaptation, which is part of the concept of synergetic control theory. The obtained results
of computer modeling confirm the adaptive properties of the obtained nonlinear synergistic control
laws and the achievement of the set technological control goal - moving the rod to a given
position under conditions of harmonic disturbance. One of the important stages in the analysis of
the results presented in this work is the conduct of experimental studies that make it possible to
test the performance of synthesized nonlinear synergetic control laws obtained by analytical
means on the educational and experimental stand of pneumatic drives of vertical and horizontal
displacement of the Camozzi Company. For the practical implementation of the obtained synergetic
control laws, the controller was programmed in the CoDeSys programming environment for
industrial automation in the graphical language of functional block diagrams FBD (Function
Block Diagram) IEC 61131-3 programming.


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