• D. V. Telpukhov The Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics (IPPM RAS)
  • T. D. Zhukova The Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics (IPPM RAS)
  • A. N. Schelokov The Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics (IPPM RAS)
Keywords: Fault tolerance, concurrent error detection (CED) circuits, characteristic of reliability, combinational circuit, spectral R-code, low-density parity-check code


Typically, soft errors that occur in electronic equipment under influence of various destabilizing
factors, were under the scrutiny of memory element developers. But recent research in this
area shows that with development of microelectronics, the number of soft errors in combination
circuits is increasing and soon their frequency of occurrence will be comparable to that in unprotected
memory elements. Presently, to address this problem, special attention has been paid to
methods based on control devices. These methods, by introducing additional structural redundancy,
enable scheme to automatically detect and/or correct errors that occur in it. However, as a
result of application of various methods of synthesis concurrent error detection (CED) circuits
depending on initial parameters and internal structure of protected scheme devices possessing
various efficiency and reliability characteristics are realized. However, as a result of application
of various methods of synthesis CED circuits depending on initial parameters and internal structure
protected circuit, the devices possessing different efficiency and reliability characteristics are
realized. That is why there is a necessity to define and develop evaluation functions for analysis inorder to find the best method of synthesis CED circuit for certain device without any preliminary
modeling. This work is devoted to development specification of structural redundancy and reliability
characteristics evaluation functions on the example of CED circuits on basis of spectral and lowdensity
parity-check code. The comparative and correlation analysis of analytical data with experimental
values was carried out to evaluate efficiency of the functions obtained as a result of study.


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