• V. M. Kureichik Southern Federal University
  • I.B. Safronenkova Federal Research Centre The Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Distributed computer-aided design system, “fog”- computting, workload relocation problem, ontology


Distributed computing technologies development has allowed uniting geographically distributed
resources and has provided an opportunity for effective resource intensive problemsolving
in various fields of science and technology. At the same time a set of problems, which demands
the development of new approaches, taking into account contemporary Internet technologies
implementation, has risen. In this paper a problem of workload relocation in distributed computer-
aided design system (DCAD) operating in the “fog” environment was considered. The goal
of this paper is ontological approach development to workload relocation problem-solving in
DCAD taking into account some “fog” environment features. The ontological approach involves
an ontological procedure implementation, which allows “filtering” the candidate-nodes, which
have insufficient resources for workload relocation. The scientific novelty of this paper is ontological
models using for workload relocation problem-solving in DCAD. It allows reducing the number
of candidate-nodes in the “fog” for workload relocation, thereby contributing to reduce the
time of location process modeling and, consequently, the total time of workload relocation problem-
solving is also reduced. The fundamental difference of presented approach is domain
knowledge, represented in ontological model, applying for workload relocation problem-solving.
The experimental study results have shown the expediency of ontological analysis for workload
relocation problem-solving .


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