• Jacinto Mba Biye Nsue Southern Federal University
  • V. P. Fedosov Southern Federal University
  • S. V. Kucheryavenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Phase noise, multiplier-conversion operations, mathematical expectation, and harmonic oscillator, raising the oscillation to a power, short-term frequency instability, and standard deviation


The article is aimed at measuring the parameters of the harmonic process by the multiplication-
conversion method. The simulation was carried out through the use of the LabVIEW software
environment, as applied to the digital multiplier-conversion method, the main points of which are
presented in the form of a progressive chain: a) development of the first harmonic process; b) the
multiplication of the indicator of the first harmonic process by four; c) the arrival of to
the band-pass filter PF1 tuned to the highest frequency, in this case, d) simultaneously, using
the generator Г2, a second source signal is generated; e) This oscillation is raised to the
fifth power, f) using the filter PF2 tuned to a frequency of 5 , select the fifth harmonic g) The
signals received at the outputs of the filters are added and the result of the sum is subjected to nonlinear
transformation h) Then, from the resulting square of the sum of the signals and using a
band-pass filter PF3, we extract only the low-frequency harmonic with the frequency i) Then,
using the Hilbert transform, we extract the total instantaneous phase from the harmonic and it
becomes the object of the derivative operation, which leads us to obtain the instantaneous frequency
function, characterized by a fixed dispersion. j) The law of fluctuations of the frequency
resulting from the use of multiplication-conversion operations is compared with a given frequency,
and we proceed to determine the mathematical expectation and standard deviation. The conclusion
about the frequency instability is based on the discrepancies obtained. Applying nonlinear
transformations of oscillations of oscillators similar in instability and obtaining the oscillations of
a given frequency in the same way, the measured frequency instability is established. If you apply
this method many times to the oscillations of highly stable devices, you can develop an oscillation
with increased instability, and then evaluate it with available measuring equipment. Thus, we bypass
without high costs by performing this operation. Then, determine the initial instability by the
formulas given in this article.


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