• S. I. Klevtsov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Poincaré graph, performance assessment, model, microprocessor module, real time


One of the important tasks of monitoring technical objects is the prevention of emergency
situations. This task is associated with the implementation of a reliable and adequate assessment
of the health of the object. The assessment of the object’s health is based on an analysis of the
behavior of its controlled parameters in real time. Only then it will be relevant. A method for determining
the nature of a parameter change based on an analysis of a sequence of special spatial
graphical forms called Poincare graphs is proposed. The selected parameter should largely determine
the operability of the controlled object. Charts are formed on the basis of the time series
of the controlled parameter. A time window is selected that cuts the specified number of parameter
values. A graph is plotted for each step of moving the window along the time series of the parameter.
The transformation of the form of a given type is analyzed, which is superimposed on the totality of
parameter values presented in the form of a graph. By changing the form parameters, a conclusion is
drawn on the nature of the parameter changes. The paper shows the possibility of using Poincare
graphs to track changes in the state of a technical object in real time. This takes into account the
peculiarities of information retrieval from sensors. The assessment is implemented using a microprocessor
module included in the monitoring system. The structure of a generalized one-factor model is
also proposed, which tracks the change in the state of an object based on an analysis of Poincare
graphs. The option of assessing the state of the object by comparing the characteristics of the graph
with the criteria is given. The criteria are obtained after preliminary processing of a large array of
data on the behavior of the controlled parameter. Each criterion value is associated with an expert
assessment that determines the state of the object. The assessment allows you to determine the degree
of operability of the facility and implement the necessary actions in case of danger.


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