• A. S. Boldyrev Southern Federal University
  • A. L. Verevkin Southern Federal University
  • K. V. Pshikhopova Southern Federal University
  • L. S. Verevkina Southern Federal University
Keywords: Group control system, robotic platforms, time to failure, reliability, resetting, algorithm, modeling


One of the most relevant areas of robotics development is the design of group cont rol
systems. In the proposed structure, a group of five robotic platforms (RP) is controlled from a
wearable or stationary remote control. This composition of the group determines schemeswith tunable connections between the components and changes in the principles of operation.
The article presents experimental studies of the computational efficiency of methods for planning
RP trajectories in space and defines the optimal method and the required parameters of
the RP computer. Variants of schemes with different numbers of RP are considered, as well
as models of cold backup of RP, remote controls, and the entire system. With such a variety
of configurations, problems arise in justifying and selecting calculation methods, and in
providing an unambiguous, generalized representation of the reliability parameters of a
group control system. Increased requirements for the reliability of components of the group
management system require an accurate assessment of reliability and are dictated by the
significant cost of equipment and functional purpose. The developed method is intended for
modeling the reliability of the developed system of group control of robotic platforms RP.
The proposed method shows the use of structural, probabilistic and matrix methods for ca lculating
reliability models of a group control system. An approach to modeling the reliabi lity
of integer, redundant, sliding, and cold redundancy of RP and control panels is also pr oposed.
The results of numerical calculations of the reliability parameters of the group management
system allow us to assess the risks and choose modes, depending on the required
efficiency of the mission.


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