• E. S. Aleksunin Southern Federal University
Keywords: Piezoceramic bimorph, finite element model, cooling devices; actuator


The development of modern air supply systems for cooling technical systems requires new ap-proaches in which instrumentation uses piezoceramic technologies. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct research both at the level of selection of new perspective piezomaterials, which was done in the work, and of new types of device layout from the point of view of design. Traditionally used cooling systems have rotating parts that create additional acoustic noise. These drawbacks are devoid of air supply devices using piezoceramic components. The article contains materials on the development of modern cooling devices based on the use of piezoceramic plates. The analysis of the processes occur-ring in the air in accordance with modern ideas about the theory of matter. Various design options for such devices are given. The design process from mathematical modeling to implementation in mock-upsis considered. Both the piezoceramic devices themselves and the flow distribution processes in the air were subjected to modeling. In the process of modeling, the simplest to manufacture and reliable in operation structures were investigated. All considered variants belong to the piezoelectric bimorph type, and are piezoelectric actuators that convert electrical signals into mechanical forces. Various layout schemes for such oscillatory systems are presented, variants of their mathematical modeling, finite ele-ment models of the air environment, amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the simulated models are shown. A comparative analysis of products, their electrophysical characteristics, based on the prospects for their further application is carried out. For research, various piezoceramic materials were used, both traditional and repeatedly tested, and new promising materials. A number of products are presented in sizes with a detailed description, their comparative characteristics are given. At the end of the work, conclusions were made about promising options for the further design of such devices and areas of research.


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