• V. N. Gridin Design Information Technology Center RAS (DITC RAS)
  • V. I. Anisimov Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
  • S.A. Vasilev Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
Keywords: Сlient-server application, WebSocket, GraphQL, SigmalR, NoSQL, BASE, ACID, Redis


Existing and developing approaches to build modern web applications are considered. The
main forms and directions of development modern web applications are determined, as well as
methods for increasing the productivity of data exchange client-server systems. The varieties and
principles of establishing communication channels in a distributed client-server environment are
highlighted. The main advantages to use combined methods of interaction made with asynchronous
full-duplex data exchange protocols are provided to ensure a high data transfer rate, provideinformation in a timely manner, reduce the load on the server component, and reduce the redundancy
of transmitted data. The technologies of state management decentralization in single-page
applications, the interconnection of modern technologies to ensure a high degree of interactivity of
the client component are indicated. A comparative analysis of the intelligent query processing
mechanism, declaring the data structure and access methods with data-oriented REST APIs is
carried out, which provides variations of the basic CRUD operations. The main advantages of
GraphQL's approach to organize distributed state management based on providing graph-like
structures with an indefinite level of nesting to the client application and the possibility of subscribing
to change in the data set of interest are highlighted. The problems of traditional data
storage systems in modern information conditions, the geometric accumulation of complex structured
data are presented. The basic approaches to data storage in the context of the NoSQL concept
are described. The advantages of using the key-value model in information systems and the
principles of operation databases using RAM as storage are considered. The disadvantages of
these technologies for data storage are considered and possible ways to minimize them based on a
collaboration of methods are proposed. Thus, a dependency diagram of technologies for efficient
data exchange in modern web applications is provided to ensure a high degree of interactivity
client-server web applications.


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